nPOD Key Question Working Groups

As nPOD prepared the renewal application and vision, it was apparent that a set of scientific questions kept bubbling to the top of our leadership’s conversations; notions that were often in line with discussions raised at the annual meetings. This, coupled with an eye towards increasing translation and better integration with clinical trial networks and natural history studies, led us to conceptualize a series of “Key Questions”. These questions represent areas where we felt availability of nPOD tissues should be prioritized in order to address broad and important scientific questions relevant to the T1D research and care community. Our desire is that nPOD can inspire novel rigorous, organized, and collaborative activities using the bottom-up approach that nPOD has successfully employed in establishing collaborations in our community.

We are keen to gather thoughts and ideas regarding each of these different areas and importantly identify those of you who are interested in participating in specific working groups. Please engage and help the working group leaders to collate information. There are links below to the Google Forms for each of the different working groups. We strongly encourage you to complete these and/or reach out to the Working Group Leaders. By confirming your interest, you will be invited to participate in group initiatives moving forward, which will start soon. You can participate in more than one group as well. 

Sign Up to Participate in Key Question Working Groups: