Request Samples via DataShare
How to request nPOD samples via DataShare
Order nPOD samples through DataShare. Please reference the nPOD DataShare User Guide for instructions on how to order samples and view donor data. If you are not familiar with the DataShare sample ordering system, please view the following webinar videos:
♦ Streaming Video, November 13, 2014
♦ Video Download, November 13, 2014
The below guidelines and tips have been prepared to maximize the use of the nPOD Biobank for all current and future studies:
1. Requests exceeding 300 slides per request will require OPPC approval. The maximum number of sections per block per request is 10. For certain cases in high demand, this number may need to be reduced. Please be conservative and order the minimum number of slides anticipated to complete your assay(s). Co-labeling of slides are encouraged.
2. Although you will be able to view the contents of the entire specimen inventory, requests will not be honored for donor types, sample types, and aliquot types not previously approved for use in your nPOD project.
3. Do not use T1D slides as assay positive or negative controls; instead, use blocks from available disease free cases as assay controls.
4. All requests for specimens from cases with the “Limited” status will require further justification and nPOD Tissue Prioritization Committee approval prior to distribution.
View Investigator-Related Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
After you have received a shipment from nPOD, please fill out the following form so that we may improve our shipping processes. nPOD asks investigators to submit Feedback Form within a week of receiving the shipment. Failure to complete Feedback Form will be taken as an indication that shipment was received in good condition and request will be closed.
These services are provided by the Organ Processing and Pathology Core (OPPC).
nPOD provides tissue recovery services for pancreata and related tissues from autoantibody positive donors and donors with type 1 diabetes. Tissue from donors who do not have type 1 diabetes is also recovered to provide critical controls for the autoantibody positive and type 1 diabetes samples.
Collected tissues are:
- Pancreas (head, body and tail)
- Pancreatic lymph nodes
- Spleen
- Non-pancreatic lymph nodes
- Duodenum
Note: All tissue types may not be available for every case. Please consult OPPC for sample availability.
Samples are recovered into UW solution and transported to the organ procurement and pathology core via tissue donor courier services.
Upon receipt, tissues are dissected for:
- NBF fixation and paraffin processing
- Fresh frozen OCT blocks
- Lymphocytes and Splenocytes
- Snap frozen samples in vials to be maintained at -80°C
- Additional procedures as required by JDRF investigators
In addition:
- The cell concentration is 1X10^7/ml and aliquot volume may vary between 0.2-1.5ml, depending on each individual case. The OPPC lab can confirm availability.
- Quality control reviews are performed by examination of fixed samples with H&E and IHC staining
All Institutional and Federal requirements for human tissue banking are current.