nPOD Case Deep Dive: #6243

DATE: Tuesday, October 24th, 2017


SPEAKERS: nPOD Investigators, group discussion led by Alberto Puglese, MD

Click here to view a recording of the webinar.

The nPOD “Deep Dive” Case Study webinar series aims to unite the efforts, expertise, and resources of various Investigators within the nPOD cohort in order to paint a uniquely detailed and comprehensive picture of the development of type 1 diabetes in individual donors of interest. By “comparing notes” in this way, we believe this webinar series will provide a unique opportunity for a deep analysis of individual nPOD donors, based on the synthesis of each presenter’s area of expertise. Not only will this series allow each Investigator to add their “part” to the “whole”, it is also our hope that each nPOD Investigator will be able to walk away from the webinar with new insights from other studies that will inform their research going forward.

This series will begin with the well-studied nPOD Case #6243. This donor was a 13-year-old male who had T1D for 5 years, was mIAA+, and as a “typical” T1D case with both insulitis and insulin-positive islets, will be a fantastic starting place for such an in-depth and collaborative analysis.

All nPOD Investigators are invited to present 1-3 slides of data they may have on Case #6243. If you are unable to attend the webinar in person, we ask that you would still consider sending any data you have on this case to be presented on your behalf. Everyone is invited to attend the webinar, even if your research has not examined this particular case! A recording of the webinar will be made available for those unable to attend.

If you are able to provide data for nPOD Case #6243, please email slides to Joseph Pobee by Friday, October 13th.