News & Events

Welcome to New nPOD Investigators

Congratulations to the 16 investigators who received Breakthrough T1D funding for nPOD based studies. These awards began July 1, 2010 and funding for each project ranges between $50,000 and $210,000. nPOD now supports over 60 international investigators engaged in efforts to better understand the causes of type 1 diabetes and find ways to prevent and ultimately cure the disease. Below is a list of recently approved projects:

Breakthrough T1D Funded Investigators with New nPOD Projects:

Project Name: Identification of extrathymic Aire-expressing cells in human lymph nodes
PI: Mark Stuart Anderson, M.D., Ph.D., University of California, San Francisco

Project Name: Tracing effector and regulatory T-cell populations in type 1 diabetes
PI: Dolores Jaraquemada, Ph.D., Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Project Name: Risk of autoimmune diseases and human self-antigen expression
PI: Richard David Leslie, M.D, FRCP, University of London

Project Name: Sequencing the islet transcriptome
PI: Ivan Gerling, Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Memphis

Project Name: Evidence for increased numbers of stem cells in human T1D pancreas
PI: Leonard Harrison, D.Sc., Walter & Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research

Project Name: Islet Resistance to T1D
PI: Clayton Mathews, Ph.D., University of Florida

Project Name: Detection of islet autoreactive CD8 T-cells in insulitis versus periphery
PI: Bart Roep, Ph.D., D.M., Leiden University

Project Name: Heparan sulfate levels mark the health status of human islet beta cells
PI: Charmaine Simeonovic, Ph.D., Australian National University

Project Name: Pathological changes associated with chronic RelB activation in T1D
PI: Ranjeny Thomas, MBBS, M.D., University of Queensland

Project Name: Extracellular matrix involvement in type I diabetes
PI: Thomas Wight, Ph.D., Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason

Breakthrough T1D Funded Investigators with Established nPOD Projects

Project Name: Post-transcriptional regulation of pancreas-targeting nTreg cells
PI: Manuela Battaglia, Ph.D., San Raffaele Scientific Institute

Project Name: Age-dependent & tissue-specific changes in mRNA and miRNA expression in T1D
PI: Garry Fathman, M.D., Stanford University

Project Name: Development of T1D in humanized mice using tissues from autoimmune donors 
PI: Dale Greiner, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts

Project Name: Investigation of ß cells in islets, PLN and spleen in T1D
PI: Sally Kent, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Medical Center

Project Name: Tissue-selective adhesion molecules in human T1D 
PI: Sara Michie, Ph.D., Standford University

Project Name: Direct replication of T cell receptors specific for type 1 diabetes
PI: Maki Nakayama, M.D., Ph.D., University of Colorado Health Science Center