
In order to foster collaboration amongst nPOD investigators, the following committees were formed and are investigator-run:

Publications and Presentations Committee (PPC)

The Publications and Presentations Committee (PPC) specifies policies regarding acknowledgement to the use of nPOD materials and images in all forms of publications and presentations (manuscript, abstract, oral presentation, etc.).

The current members of the PPC are:

  • John Kaddis, PhD, City of Hope
  • Alberto Pugliese, MD, City of Hope
  • Desmond Schatz, MD, University of Florida

Tissue Prioritization Committee (TPC)

The Tissue Prioritization Committee (TPC) reviews new investigator applications to determine the scientific merit and feasibility of using nPOD samples, as well as discusses changes to current investigators projects. The TPC also serves to mediate collaborations among current and new investigators. For more information about how the TPC operates, please view the TPC Guidelines.

The current members of the TPC are:

  • Susan Bonner-Weir, PhD, Joslin Diabetes Center and Harvard University
  • Roberto Mallone, MD, PhD, INSERM Cochin Institute
  • Ivan Gerling, PhD, University of Tennessee
  • Alberto Pugliese, MD, City of Hope
  • Sarah Richardson, PhD, University of Exeter Medical School
  • Rachel Friedman, PhD, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
  • Rebecca Hull-Meichle, PhD, University of Alberta
  • Megan Levings, PhD, University of British Columbia
  • William Hagopian, PhD, University of Washington Diabetes Research Center