Important information about the nPOD review of HIRN‐related requests
February 15, 2014
TO: All prospective applicants to the NIH (NIDDK) “HIRN” RFAs (RFA‐DK‐13‐013, RFA‐DK‐13‐014, RFA‐ DK‐13‐015, RFA‐DK‐13‐016, RFA‐DK‐13‐017, RFA‐DK‐13‐018)
SUBJECT: Important information about the nPOD review of HIRN‐related requests
The nPOD will hold a special review of HIRN projects and provide a formal letter in response to your request after such review. The nPOD review of HIRN projects will take place in March. You will be able to submit the nPOD letter to the NIH after the grant submission deadline with no penalty, as confirmed by the SRO and by Dr. Olivier Blondel at NIDDK ( The deadline for submission of your nPOD applications/requests (using the nPOD forms available on our website) is on or before March 7, 2014. If you plan on applying, please let us know ahead of time with a simple email, so we can more efficiently prepare for the review.
We envision 5 possible scenarios:
1) If you are an nPOD approved investigator and your HIRN project corresponds to your approved nPOD project, please email us a request for a letter of support.
Should you have questions about the nPOD application, please visit our “Apply to Join nPOD” page or contact Dr. Mingder Yang via email or by phone at 352-273-9296.
I read the RFA, it states to follow NIH guidelines for supplemental materials which are stated as follows (highlighted), which means we can accept late letters of support. Kindly communicate to the applicants.
Late Materials After Submitting extracted from NOT‐OD‐10‐115 For some applications, you may have different rules. NIH allows you to send only certain materials after you apply and before initial peer review:
1) Revised budget page(s) (e.g., change in budget request due to new funding or institutional acquisition of equipment)
2) Biographical sketches (e.g., change in senior/key personnel due to the hiring, replacement, or loss of an investigator)
3) Letters of support or collaboration resulting from a change in senior/key personnel due to the hiring, replacement, or loss of an investigator
4) Adjustments resulting from natural disasters (e.g., loss of an animal colony)
5) Adjustments resulting from change of institution (e.g., PI moves to another university)
6) News of an article accepted for publication (a copy of the article should not be sent)
7) News of a professional promotion or positive tenure decision for any PIs or key personnel
8) For the following applications, you may have different rules.
9) For a request for applications with only one receipt date or the final receipt date for any RFA, you are also allowed to submit updated Specific Aims and Research Strategy pages, late‐breaking research findings, and new letters of support or collaboration. _____________________________________________________________________________________